It's A Wrap!
•Posted on December 31 2015

As 2015 wraps up, there's so much to reminiscence about and so much to thankful for. I had an amazing 2015, I had the pleasure to travel to Dubai, Hawaii and Bermuda this year. Although all the trips were special, Bermuda was the first trip that my sister and I took with our mom besides going to Sierra Leone, so it was extra special. I went on my first volunteer trip with Save The Children, and last but not least Mission Lane came to fruition and I learned more about myself throughout the process then I ever imagined. I will pat myself on my back for 2015, but there always more I can do. So for 2016 I'm setting some goals for myself:
- Continue to work hard for my dream: Mission Lane to me is just not about selling clothes, it's about having a platform that helps women and children.
- To be kinder and more patient with myself: Who's my toughest critic??? That would be myself. I need to chill out and stop beating myself up. No ones perfect.
- Find time to read more: I think I started 5 books last year and finished 2. Let's get that ratio up.
- Step out of my comfort zone: Mission Lane has helped a lot with this process, you can't have a store and expect people to know about it by reading your mind, gotta speak up!

I'm looking forward to what 2016 has in store. Wishing you all a blessed 2016! Hope you all accomplish your hearts desires.
WAITTT how could I forget the event that ended the year PERFECTLY..

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